* Last updated February 2021
Hangingstone-PLC replacement and VFD Upgrades
Pre-commissioning of new VFD Building. Medium Voltage Equipment and cable testing. Site commissioning and start-up of existing and new equipment.
2017 - Suncor Energy, Alberta - Canada
L31, Fort McMurray Plant Electrical, Instrumentation and Mechanical commissioning, EHT maintenance, general Maintenance.
2014 - Suncor Energy, Fort McMurray, AB - Canada
L57 Commissioning on Electrical, Instrument and Mechanical Systems including SIL rated Valves, Flow meters, provers, HVAC systems, etc.
2018 - Suncor Energy, Alberta - Canada
Self regulating and Mineral insulated Electrical Heat Trace optimization and maintenance.
2015 - Suncor Energy, Fort McMurray, AB - Canada
Electrical, Instrumentation and Mechanical construction on North Riser, and South Riser.
2013 - Suncor Energy, Wandering River, AB - Canada
Installation of electrical systems supporting MOV replacements.